Rollup by way of city guide from Leipzig

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Entrance area completely accessible for wheelchairs
Entrance: flat (max. 3cm) or via ramp <=6% gradient
Door width: >= 90 cm
(No additional information in text.)

Entrance area with limited accessibility for wheelchairs
Entrance: max. 1 step or via ramp with max. 12% gradient or
Door width: >=70 cm
(All available information in text.)


Lift completely accessible for wheelchairs
Door width: >= 90 cm
car: length: >= 140 cm, car: width: >= 110 cm
Height of controls inside and out: 70 - 115 cm
(No additional information in text.)

Lift available
(All available information in text.)


WC completely accessible for wheelchairs
WC has no steps, door width: >= 90 cm
space left and right of WC: >= 90 cm
space in front of WC: >= 150 cm x 150 cm,
folding rails
(No additional information in text.)

WC with restricted wheelchair access
Door width: >= 70 cm
space left or right of WC: >= 70 cm,
space in front of WC: >= 100 cm x 100 cm

( All available information in text.)


Assistance for the deaf and hard of hearing
Induction loops, deaf-and-dump interpreters or other aids.
(All available information in text.)

Assistance for the blind and visually impaired
Large print, tactile signs, audio cassettes or other aids..
(All available information in text.)

Special personal assistance for people with disabilities
(All available information in text.)

Disabled parking spaces

Marked disabled parking spaces available
(number of spaces quoted )

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